Paul Daniels' and Debbie McGee's multi-million pound home flooded


Vagner Vidal/INSNews

Paul Daniels' and Debbie McGee's home was dramatically flooded yesterday when the River Thames burst its banks and gallons of water poured into their home in Wargrave, Berkshire.

Fortunately, the couple were well prepared for the flood. Earlier this week Paul had earlier sent a tweet advising neighbours to place their belongings in inflatable paddling pools to minimise damage. He wrote: "Are you in danger of flooding. Get inflatable paddling pools downstairs and dump everything you can into them. You will save SO much stuff."

He later added: "Thank you to all those who asked about our flooding but don't worry. We prepared for it."

Although pictures of their riverside home indicate that they couple have been badly affected, Paul sounded positive. Yesterday he tweeted: "Nice to see a bight sunny day. The water is still about 15" below 1983 around here. Fingers crossed."

He added: "We are nowhere near as bad as some we are seeing on the news."

And in a final show of optimism he signed off with the words: "Right... I am off shopping now the Lovely Debbie McGee. Enjoy the sunshine folks. This is going to be great year."

Earlier today he posted a pic of the overflowing river outside his home, with the words: "I LOVE living here... always changing, always beautiful."

Unfortunately, more rain is forecast for today, meaning that river levels will most likely continue to rise. However, dry and clear weather is expected to move in over the weekend.

Click on the image below to see ten of the world's rainiest places

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