SSE moves to cut dual fuel prices

File photo dated 21/07/11 of an SSE logo at the SSE Training Centre in Perth as the energy firm became the latest firm to announce savings from the Government's green levy shake-up with plans to cut dual fuel prices by 3.5% from March 24. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Tuesday January 7, 2014. The bill reduction will apply to all SSE's 9.5 million residential customers, including those on fixed or capped deals. But it will only scale back the 8.2% average tariff hike that kicked in on November 15 and will also take effect nearly three months after rival British Gas dropped prices in response to the Government's move to cut the cost of green levies on customer bills. See PA story CITY Energy. Photo credit should read: Andrew Milligan/PA Wire

Energy firm SSE became the latest firm to announce savings from the Government's green levy shake-up with plans to cut dual fuel prices by 3.5% from March 24.

The bill reduction will apply to all SSE's 9.5 million residential customers, including those on fixed or capped deals.%VIRTUAL-SkimlinksPromo%
