Pictures: Conjoined grey whale twins wash up on coast of Mexico


Post by Guerrero Negro Verde.

A pair of conjoined grey whale twins have been seen for the first time after washing up on the coast of Mexico.

Researchers were astonished to see the rare sighting in Laguna Ojo de Liebre on the coast of Baja California on Sunday.

A video was posted on YouTube by user Krystian Abundez.

Post by Guerrero Negro Verde.

Sadly the whales did not survive and according to Discovery News, experts believe they were miscarried or stillborn.

Grind TV reports that the twins were only about seven-feet long. The normal size for newborn grey whales is 12 to 16 feet.

Researcher Alisa Schulman-Janiger told Grind TV that they were severely underdeveloped and wondered if the birth or stillbirth may have also killed the mother.

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