More than 75,000 Brits apply for Australia's 'best jobs in the world'


More than half a million people have applied for Australia's 'Best Jobs in the World', including over 75,000 Britons.

The competition closes on 10 April and while applicants are being warned not to leave applying too late, Tourism Australia's Managing Director Andrew McEvoy says would-be applicants should also not be deterred by the huge number of people who have already expressed interest in the sought-after jobs.

Tourism website states: "It makes sense that one of the best countries in the world would be home to some of the 'Best Jobs in the World'".

There are six roles available, all around Australia, including Chief Funster in New South Wales, Outback Adventurer in Northern Territory, Park Ranger in Queensland, Wildlife Caterer in South Australia, Lifestyle Photographer in Melbourne and Taste Master in Western Australia.

McEvoy says: "There has been a huge amount of interest in these jobs and the competition is strong. But this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and your application cannot be judged without a video, so it's worth taking that extra time to submit your clip."

Tourism Australia has revealed that nearly 300,000 individuals from 196 countries applied, with the most popular job globally being Wildlife Caretaker, followed by Chief Funster and Park Ranger.

Brits and Americans have proved most keen, with more than 75,000 applications each, followed by Italians (60,000), French (54,000) and Australians (36,000).

There's still time to apply if you fancy leaving cold Britain for sunny Australia. You just have to upload your video entry by 10 April.

For more information and to apply for one of the Best Jobs in the World, visit

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