Flights booked 34 days before departure are cheapest

Flights booked 34 days before departure and on Tuesday are cheapest
Flights booked 34 days before departure and on Tuesday are cheapest


Always wanted to know when you should book a flight to get the best bargain? A new survey has revealed that if you want to save money, the best time to arrange an international flight is 34 days before departure and for travel on a Tuesday.

The research on over a billion airfare searches by travel website Kayak found that those who wait until the very last moment will almost certainly pay more for their fare - something frequent flyers will already know.

Prices begin to jump by 30 per cent or more seven days before the departure day and according to the Daily Mail, the survey revealed it is not always a good idea to book too far in advance for a flight.

Booking 34 days before you travel could get you a fare over £20 cheaper than if you book six months in advance.

For short international flights, the study showed they are 21 per cent less expensive when leaving on a Tuesday and returning the following Wednesday.

Passengers travelling for longer can save up to nine per cent by leaving on a Saturday and returning on a Sunday.

Kayak sifted through an average of 100 million queries a month from January to December 2011.

According to the Daily Mail, a separate American study found that the lowest domestic fares could be bought six weeks before departure.

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