'Save now for Christmas to avoid debt,' warn campaigners
A campaign is set to launch next week warning British consumers to start saving now to avoid getting into debt at Christmas time.
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Christians Against Poverty (CAP) claim too many people end the festive season with a mountain of debt after borrowing to afford Christmas gifts and food.
The campaign, which is officially launched on 16 September, marks 100 days until Christmas Day, and urges Brits to begin putting money away rather than relying on credit to pay for presents.
The CAP has also released its five top tips for how to properly prepare for Christmas, including saving, budgeting and spreading the cost of the festive season.
It also advises families on how to cope with children's festive expectations, and makes suggestions on teaming up with other family members to help ease the burden.
Matt Barlow, chief executive of the CAP, told The Telegraph: "It is easy to put Christmas to the back of your mind when it feels like we're barely finished with summer, but we want people to use this 100 day marker to have a reality check.
"Christmas will come, and they need to have a plan because we all know it's easy to get carried away nearer the time. No one wants to start New Year up to their eyes in debt and stress, and a bit of preparation now will help to avoid that."
As well as its tips for Christmas, the CAP will be running free workshops throughout October, aimed at helping people to take control of their finances.
What do you think? Is there pressure on families to overspend and end up in debt at Christmas? Leave your comments below...