Baby born in Emirates plane toilet named after flight number

Baby born in Emirates plane toilet named after flight number
Baby born in Emirates plane toilet named after flight number


A baby born on an Emirates plane has been named after the airline's flight number.

The Sun reports how the boy was born in the toilet on an Emirates flight from Dubai to Manila and is called Ek after flight number EK322.

Following a Filipina woman giving birth, the plane made an emergency landing in Vietnam to allow her and her new son to receive treatment on 22 August.

Two nurses and four flight attendants helped deliver the baby, which born prematurely, at 27 weeks.

The nurses helped clean the amniotic fluid from the baby's mouth while flight attendants gave the mother and child oxygen masks and kept the baby warm with two LED reading lamps attached to the passenger seats.

The baby remains in critical care while the mother has been released from hospital.

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