Budget airline food often costs more than the flight

Budget airline food often costs more than the flight
Budget airline food often costs more than the flight


Most of us have learned the hard way that hidden charges can seriously bump up the cost of 'budget' flights.

But new research from travelsupermarket.com shows that some of us now pay as much for in-flight snacks as we do for our tickets.

It will come as no surprise to discover that Ryaniar are often the most expensive: a Kit Kat, a sandwich, a bottle of water, cup of tea and a glass of wine add up to £18.07, which is more expensive than a one-way ticket to Genoa, Warsaw or Paris, which costs £18.

The same six items cost £16.10 on Aer Lingus and £14.75 on Easyjet - but it would cost just £5.02 to buy them in a supermarket.

The Sun reports that travelsupermaket.com found that the average mark-up on food and drink on these airlines is a whopping 347 per cent.

Bob Atkinson, who led the research, told The Sun: "Airlines realise hungry and thirsty passengers are a captive audience with no option but to buy from the trolley if they have failed to plan ahead.

"Rather than leaving things to the last minute, a much better option is to think ahead and bring along your own sandwiches or snacks for your flight."

Have you ever been stung by inflated food prices on budget flights? Or do you buy food at the airport to take onboard?

Click on the image below for more on airport charges...

