Would you wear a 'face-kini' to the beach? Creepy craze taking off


Would you wear a face-kini to the beach? Creepy craze taking off
Would you wear a face-kini to the beach? Creepy craze taking off


There's sun protection, and then there's sun protection...

Beachgoers in China have taken to protecting their skin wearing head masks, dubbed 'face-kinis'.

Would you wear a face-kini to the beach? Creepy craze taking off
Would you wear a face-kini to the beach? Creepy craze taking off


The crowded public beach in Qingdao, northeast China's Shandong province, was choc-a-block with scary-looking skin protectors, making every holidaymaker look like a potential bank robber.

They handily come in all styles, shapes and sizes; whether you need one for your kids or for... a camouflage exercise?

Would you wear a face-kini to the beach? Creepy craze taking off
Would you wear a face-kini to the beach? Creepy craze taking off


The face masks were initially designed to protect from sunburn as many people in China dislike getting a tan, especially on the face.

But it turns out they are also quite handy at repelling insects and jellyfish.

And making you look ridiculous...

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