Half of British men 'have no say' in getaway destinations

Henpecked holidays: Half of British men 'have no say' in getaway destinations
Henpecked holidays: Half of British men 'have no say' in getaway destinations


Some people might say men wear the trousers in a relationship, but when it comes to holidays, it certainly doesn't seem to be the case.

Around half of British woman choose where to go on holiday, as well as taking control of holiday money, and the pre-holiday spending - racking up £243.08 in the process.

Women are also more likely to book the flights and organise transport at the destination, while 43% of the ladies said they look after all the passports, not trusting their other halves to keep them safe.

The survey, carried out by Teletext Holidays, also revealed that four in 10 women said they always took care of making sure things at home were looked after, like feeding the cat and watering the plants, while 22% said they were left to communicate with people abroad alone.

So what do the men have left to do? According to the research, they responsibility of getting the family to the airport, carrying the luggage, and driving whilst abroad falls to the male of the species.

According to the Daily Mail, Victoria Sanders, managing director of Teletext Holidays, said: 'This research shows that women still have a tight hold of the reins when it comes to organising any holiday and are the ones looking for ideas and inspiration about where to go next and taking the time to look for the best deals.

"Women are still generally the more organised ones when it comes to going away, and invest time researching the ideal holiday destinations, planning what to do when they get there and making sure everything is planned in the finest detail."

Squabbling over where to go next? Discover 10 European holiday gems for 2012 here:


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