Psychologists confirm that we really do like to be beside the seaside

Psychologists confirm that we really do like to be beside the seaside
Psychologists confirm that we really do like to be beside the seaside


A new study indicates that spending time by the sea really does help to improve our mood and boost emotional wellbeing.

A study of 2,750 people aged from eight to 80 collected by Natural England was analysed by researchers at the universities of Exeter and Plymouth.

The Daily Mail reports that the findings showed that people of all ages reported positive feelings after a visit to the seaside, countryside or open spaces in towns - but trips to the sea had the greatest impact.

Today, Dr Matthew White, of the European Centre for Environment and Human Health in Truro, Cornwall, will tell experts attending the British Psychological Society's annual meeting in London that feeling good beside the seaside may be "hard-wired" into people's brains.

He even believes that a trip to the coast could benefit health, as there is mounting evidence that positive feelings can protect against illness.

He says that trips to the sea "led to the highest positive feelings, with more people feeling refreshed and calm" than those who spend time in the countryside or parks.

It's not known whether this happens because we find the sound of the waves soothing or because we are so often expressed to the idea that spending time by the sea is a good thing.

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