Video: Jet engine blast blows thrill-seeker into a wall


Warning: if you purposefully stand in the path of a jet engine blast, this is what could happen to you.

A woman has been captured on film being thrown head first into a wall after deliberately standing in the jet wash of a plane taking off at Princess Juliana International Airport on the Caribbean island of St Martin.

Because Maho Beach is so close to the airport, it is very popular with plane spotters, and thrill-seekers looking for an adrenaline fix.

According to the Daily Mail, the short runway at 2,180 metres means that planes have to land as close as possible to the beginning of the track.

The beach is so popular with plane spotters, that many local bars and restaurants have daily departure and arrival boards.

Many beachgoers apparently ignore the signs warning of the danger of standing in the jet wash, and this woman found out the hard way.

She is seen clinging on to a fence, but as the plane picks up speed she is flung into a concrete wall, and other tourists rush over to help her.

See the footage below:

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