Say cheese: Sloth 'photobombs' school kids' holiday pic in Costa Rica



A scene-stealing sloth managed to muscle in on a group of tourists taking a holiday photograph - making it truly one for the mantelpiece.

The cheeky creature dropped in on the school kids who were taking part in an International Student Volunteers expedition in Costa Rica, which saw them cutting paths in dense woodland to help researchers get around.

They thought they'd take a picture as a souvenir to remind them of their charity work, but an unexpected guest soon came in to the frame.

According to Caters, tour guide Manuel Rmnirez said: "There was a big group of us helping cut paths in the jungle.


"I thought it would be nice to take a group shot. As I looked through the camera lens I could see something creeping in to the frame.

"When I realised it was a baby sloth I clicked the button as fast as I could, not that he was going anywhere fast.

"I thought it was too good a picture opportunity and so rather than move I just took the picture with him in it.

"It has become a bit of a talking point for everyone. None of us will ever forget the trip, especially when we look back at this picture.

"I'm glad we saw the sloth that day as he made us laugh when we were very tired. Now we can share this moment with all our friends."

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