Revealed! The world's most beautiful airports

Revealed! The world's most beautiful airports
Revealed! The world's most beautiful airports

Wellington Airport New Zealand

When it comes to architectural delights, airport terminals come pretty low on the list. As the writer Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, once wrote: "It is no coincidence that in no known language does the phrase 'As pretty as an airport' appear."

Flying may have become cheaper and more accessible over the years, but the experience itself has never been more onerous. A recent study found that one third of Brits who fly now believe that being at an airport is more stressful than the working week, with nearly a quarter saying it is worse than moving house.

Gone are the glory days, when travel used to be romantic, glamourous, exotic. The modern international airport is often nothing more than a huge processing factory, with long queues, dreary decor and claustrophobic surroundings.

So thank goodness there are some designers out there who believe that this needn't be so. By making a courageous attempt to design beautiful, airy spaces that are a pleasure to travel through, they're pushing boundaries and making life just that little bit better for travellers.

While they might not be able to assist you with that flight delay or invasive security pat down, in trying to create attractive places that accomodate your comfort and minimise stress, we at AOL Travel are cheering them on.

So we're happy to see that the travel guide experts at Frommer's has just released its list of most attractive airports. Check them out below - and let us know if you have an airport you think should be added.

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