Sea rescue: Four people found clinging to a cool box off Australian coast

Stranded Australians Cling to Cool Box After Boat Sinks
Stranded Australians Cling to Cool Box After Boat Sinks

Four people, including two children, have been rescued after they were found clinging to a cool box 8km off the coast of Sydney, reports ITN.

The four, believed to be Australian nationals, are considered lucky to be alive after rescuers spotted them.

Scott Smiles, Rick Matthews, and their respective sons Riley and Ryan, had left before sunrise from Sydney's Botany Bay in a 12-metre cruise boat, intending to travel 200 kilometres north on a fishing trip.

When fire broke out on the boat, forcing the four to jump into the ocean.

According to local media reports, there was only one minute between when the men noticed black smoke and when the vessel sinking.

"I grabbed the EPIRB (Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon), grabbed my wallet, ran out. By that time, Rick had life jackets on the boys. I grabbed the Esky (cooler box), jumped off the back deck," said Smiles.

Emergency services received the beacon's signal, and within 45 minutes a rescue helicopter arrived, dropping an inflatable life raft to keep the four afloat.

Water police then rushed them back to Sydney, with Matthews suffering from leg injuries.

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