Video: Could this be the world's most dangerous airport?

Video: Is this the world's most dangerous airport?
Video: Is this the world's most dangerous airport?


There are plenty of airports that set your teeth on edge when the plane comes into land - but Paro Airport in Bhutan is said to be the world's most dangerous.

Although it offers stunning views over mountains and rivers, it's nestled between two 18,000ft peaks in the Himalayas.

According to the Daily Mail, there are only eight pilots qualified to fly here, and they have to cope with flying within feet of mountainside houses, and land on a 6,500ft runway - shorter than its 1.5-mile elevation above sea level.

They are only allowed to fly during the day, as nighttime take-offs and landings are deemed too dangerous.

Strong winds created in the valley often create turbulence that passengers have described as "terrifying" and Boeing has called it "one of the world's most difficult for take-offs and landings".

Buddha Air is the only international airline to use the airport, which sees an estimated 30,000 tourists pass through each year for holidays in Bhutan.

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