50 trains damaged in public transport alcohol ban protest in Munich

50 trains damaged in protest to alcohol ban on public transport in Munich
50 trains damaged in protest to alcohol ban on public transport in Munich

Stock photo: PA

Around €100,000 worth of damage to 50 trains occurred this weekend during a 'farewell drink' on a commuter network in Munich, Germany, on the eve of an alcohol ban on public transport.

Around 2,000 people attended the protest on the S-Bahn network the night before the ban went ahead.

The event was arranged via Facebook in a bid to resist a 'restricted society'.

Although partygoers caused damage to the trains' lights, partitions and other fittings, nobody was hurt, and organisers had originally asked attendees to 'please be responsible in your drinking and be respectful to your fellow partygoers - a senseless binging session is not what we're aiming for.'

According to the Metro, the Munich department of federal police said they were analysing footage of the evening, and were particularly seeking those who inflicted damage to the trains.

An alcohol ban on the city's underground trains, trams and buses went ahead in 2009.

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