Tourists warned 'all Kenya beach resorts' could be at risk of pirate attacks

Tourists warned 'all Kenya resorts' could be at risk of pirate attacks
Tourists warned 'all Kenya resorts' could be at risk of pirate attacks


Kenya's tourism industry was dealt another blow this week as naval experts warn they believe the country's entire coastline could be at risk of attack from Somalian pirates.

The UK Foreign Office has issued advice against travel within 150kms of the Somali border following the murder of a British man and the kidnap of his wife, as well as the recent kidnap of an elderly French woman in Lamu.

But a European naval force carrying out a counter-piracy operation believes the danger has spread, according to a report in the Sunday Times.

The paper quoted commander Harrie Harrison as saying: 'Somali pirates operate from the southern Red Sea... down past Kenya and through the Mozambique Channel.

'Distance is not an issue and these criminal gangs are adapting year on year. With the current improving weather after the southwest monsoon, we expect a surge in piracy attacks and consider the whole of the operating area, which is the size of western Europe, liable to be at risk.'

Kenya's tourism authorities have said there are extra police protecting hotels on the coastline, and helicopter surveillance over the border with Somalia.

But it's doubtful that will be enough to persuade many British holidaymakers that a Kenyan beach resort getaway is a safe bet in the current climate.
