Benefits cheat is caught on waterslide by her own holiday videos

Benefits cheat is caught on waterslide by her own holiday videos
Benefits cheat is caught on waterslide by her own holiday videos


A benefits cheat who claimed she couldn't walk without crutches was caught by her own holiday videos zooming down a waterslide in the South of France.

Tina Attansio, 51, was seen splashing around in the water, climbing up cobbled hills, skipping down steep steps and taking long walks on the beach on two holidays during the last seven years. She was also pictured clambering out of the swimming pool during a Mediterranean break.

She admitted fiddling £25,000 of disability living after benefits fraud investigators obtained holiday films showing her enjoying two action-packed holidays while she was claiming top-rate disability benefits, according to a report in the Mail.

Attansio was paid the highest rate allowance of incapacity benefits claiming she was 'too weak to walk any significant distance' without crutches.

One investigator who was quoted in the Mail said: "The holiday video was like 'You've been Framed'. She obviously had no problem getting around on holiday. She was really enjoying herself without her crutches."

Attanso,who arrived at Cardiff Crown Court on crutches, pleaded guilty to fraudulently claiming £25,000 in benefits between August 2005 and February 2010. She said nothing during the hearing.

Judge Stephen Hopkins QC adjourned the case for reports. Attanso of Whitchurch, Cardiff, will return to court next month to be sentenced.

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