Tang Dynasty artefacts make world debut in Singapore


This weekend saw the unveiling of more than 60,000 well-preserved artefacts dating back more than 1,000 years at the just-launched ArtScience museum in Singapore.

'Shipwrecked: Tang Treasures and Monsoon Winds', an exhibition of what is thought to be the most important collection of late Tang Dynasty artefacts ever found outside China, features items of superb workmanship such as the Stemcup with Sealife (pictured above).

One of the oldest marine archeological finds of the late 20th century, the rare objects are evidence of the Maritime Silk Route between the East and West via South East Asia.

The exhibition, which you can catch until 31 July, helps tell the story of the transformation of Singapore from a fishing village to a modern metropolis because of its location in the global trade network.

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