Are you looking for an Easter present?


There are bunnies and Easter bunnies; there are eggs and Easter eggs. The main difference is usually just in the colour. It's fun to dye Easter eggs and go hunting for them as they do on the continent. Easter is the time when bunnies become Easter bunnies and the kids just love them.

But we might just think of 'bunnies' as being something else. The publisher of a monthly print magazine created this name for scantily-ladies that became a universally-known concept and trade mark. Special costumes with animal elements make their relationship to the four-legged version readily recognisable.

And men love four-legged beasts - that's to say four-legged beasts with a motor beneath the bonnet. So now we have found the ideal gift for the man who loves bunnies and cars. The gallery shows the ultimate gift in all its glory: cold steel with warm fur for the Easter season.
