Brexit ruling 'stopped Government acting like tin-pot dictatorship'

The businesswoman behind the successful legal battle against launching Brexit without Parliament's approval has said "everyone in the country" should be her "biggest fan" following the controversial court case.

Gina Miller said the High Court ruling has stopped the Government acting like a "tin-pot dictatorship" over plans to trigger Article 50 without consulting Parliament.

The investment fund manager and philanthropist said the Press had "behaved disgracefully" following the court judgment.

She told BBC One's The Andrew Marr Show: "This is about creating legal certainty and actually, everyone in the country should be my biggest fan because I've used my own money and a few of us we have used our own money to create legal certainty for Mrs May to move ahead."

She said it was "misdirection" to claim that the decision was unpicking parliamentary sovereignty.

"The case is that she cannot use something called the Royal Prerogative to do it because we do not live in a tin-pot dictatorship," she said.

Ms Miller, 51, who was born in Guyana but grew up in Britain, co-founded the firm SCM Private and has previously launched a campaign with her hedge-fund manager husband Alan against mis-selling and hidden fund charges in the City of London's fund management industry.

Reaction to the Brexit case had been fuelled by sexism, racism and homophobia, she said.

"I was aware there would be nastiness because anything to do with the word Brexit, people lose their minds and it's all about heart."
