Hangover cures: Top tips for the morning after

The Ultimate Hangover Cure
The Ultimate Hangover Cure

OK, so we all know that the best cure for a hangover is not to drink in the first place.

But who's going to go down that route? Not us - especially during the festive season.

Which means after headaches, sickness, dizziness, dehydration and general misery are just the price we pay, right?

Well, sort of.

But there are certain things you can do to make your hangover more bearable. Drinking this smoothie, which is full of nutrients, can certainly help you on your way.

And what about the traditional favourite cures - like a hair of the dog or a bacon sandwich? Check out our list of top hangover cures below, and find out whether they really work or not...

A strong coffee
Does it work? Wake up with a fuzzy head and eyes half shut and you'll probably head straight for the coffee. A hit of caffeine might feel like a quick fix - you may even feel instantly better - but your pounding headache is destined for a fast return. The symptoms of a hangover are largely due to dehydration and caffeine is only adding to the problem. So the short answer is it's a no-no. A boring old decaff it is, then...

After the party
After the party

Fruit juice
Does it work? This is a better choice, especially if you can manage the freshly squeezed variety as it contains a host of helpful vitamins that can replace those the alcohol knocks out. The natural sugar may also help to ease a shaky start to the day. However (yes, there's always a however) the high acidity levels can play havoc with your fragile stomach. Tip: Try combining juice with an energy-boosting banana or yoghurt, or consider vegetable juice or a vegetable-based broth - your stomach will thank you for it.

Hair of the dog
Does it work?Are you really asking? Of course it doesn't work! OK, so it may give you a temporary boost - but you're merely masking the symptoms and there's a good chance the hangover will just hit you again later. The NHS advises waiting 48 hours before drinking any more alcohol to give your body time to recover. Helpfully, nausea and headaches often mean that's the preferred option.

Lots of water
Does it work? Rehydration It's a no-brainer, so yes, yes yes. Alcohol dehydrates, water rehydrates. Dehydration is what causes most of the symptoms of a hangover and the quickest way to a bright eye and a bushy tail is plain old H2O. For that pounding headache add a couple of paracetamol (aspirin may irritate your stomach).

A bacon sandwich
Does it work? Good news! Research research suggests there may be something in the bacon sandwich cure. A 2009 study at Newcastle University found that carb-heavy bread and protein-packed bacon are packed with amino acids which top up the neurotransmitters that heavy night knocked out of you, essentially giving you a clearer head. The researchers also suggested that by boosting your metabolism, your body will be able to get rid of the booze quicker.

Sleeping it off
Does it work?
Not if you've got work the next day and wish to keep your job. But if you have no pressing engagements the following day, then swerve the hangover horror altogether by staying in bed. In order to deal with the effects of alcohol, your body has to work extra hard which can leave you with a foggy head and limbs of lead. The more sleep you get, the easier it will be for your body to recover.

Top 10 Ways to Cure a Hangover
Top 10 Ways to Cure a Hangover
