5 new ways to boost your fertility

Impatient brunette woman in bathroom waiting for pregnancy test result
Impatient brunette woman in bathroom waiting for pregnancy test result

If you've been trying to get pregnant for a while without success, you probably know that maintaining a healthy weight, eating healthily and cutting back on caffeine is a good idea. You might want to give these fertility boosters a try too...

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Take an aspirin every day
Millions of people take aspirin to cut their risk of heart disease, and it seems popping the little white pill could help you get pregnant too.

A recent study by US researchers found that taking a low-dose aspirin every day helps to increase womb thickness, reduce inflammation in cells and boost blood flow to the pelvis.

The study found that women who took aspirin were 17% more likely to get pregnant than those who did not, and 20% more likely to give birth. Taking aspirin also helped women who have previously been through a miscarriage conceive again and successfully give birth.

%VIRTUAL-AFCSponserAds%Try yoga to de-stress
Fertility experts have known about the detrimental effects of stress for years. If you're trying to get pregnant and find it hard to relax, give yoga a try.

A study from the University of Utah tracked a group of women who were trying to conceive over a six-month period. They found that women who did yoga for 45 minutes a week for six weeks were able to cut their anxiety levels by 20% - increasing their chances of conceiving.

Lead researcher Dr Jennifer Hirshfeld-Cytron said: "We have shown a decrease in anxiety of patients that utilised the yoga program. This is particularly exciting given that others have shown a statistical increase in anxiety for infertility patients undergoing infertility treatment."

Don't overdo the exercise
Staying fit and healthy (and within a normal BMI range) is important but don't overdo the fitness regime.

A recent Danish study found that normal-weight women who did vigorous exercise (such as running, swimming, or fast cycling) for at least five hours a week took longer to fall pregnant than others who did more gentle exercise, such as brisk walking or leisurely cycling.

The study authors suggest mixing cardio sessions with light weights and doing yoga or Pilates, and making sure you give yourself some days off here and there too.

Invest in some blackout curtains
When you're not actively trying to get pregnant, it pays to make sure you get a good night's sleep.

According to a review of studies published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, artificial light (from things like computer screens and TV screens) don't just interfere with your ability to sleep – it could hamper your ability to get pregnant.

Late-night light exposure impedes the body's production of the hormone melatonin, which also plays a role in protecting a woman's eggs, especially during ovulation.

Lead researcher Russel J. Reiter, PhD, told LiveScience. "If women are trying to get pregnant, they should maintain at least eight hours of a dark period at night."

Eat a hearty breakfast
Finally, if you're finding it hard to conceive due to polycystic ovary syndrome, eat a good breakfast.

Researchers in Israel studied 60 women with the hormone imbalance, which affects the development and release of eggs. They found that those who ate half of their daily calories (980) at breakfast were more likely to ovulate than those who consumed the same number of calories, but later in the day.

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