7 home improvements not worth doing


Image 200453962-001  (Royalty-free)  Collection:  Photodisc RedCaption:   Woman crying on husband's shoulder, inside home repair
Image 200453962-001 (Royalty-free) Collection: Photodisc RedCaption: Woman crying on husband's shoulder, inside home repair

If you want to add value and improve saleability, be aware that some home 'improvements' may actually devalue your property. Check out the 7 improvements not worth doing...

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1. Removing a bedroom to add a bathroom
Value still depends on the number of bedrooms a property has – and it's the first thing buyers look for. Removing a bedroom to add a bathroom will immediately devalue a property and be less appealling to the family market.

2. Installing a hot tub
You may dream of sipping champers while relaxing in the hot tub – but not everyone does. Swimming pools and hot tubs take up valuable garden space and can be costly to run and maintain.

%VIRTUAL-AFCSponserAds%3. Adding PVC windows
PVC windows are cheap and durable but can devalue older style properties. Sympathetically restored windows or double-glazed copies of casement and sash windows are less likely to devalue your home.

4. Creating a separate dining and kitchen
Modern families want light and open spaces, especially in the kitchen. The last thing you want to do is make the space smaller. To appeal to the family market, you're better off removing a wall to create a large kitchen/dinner. Think very carefully before installing a wall to create two rooms.

5. Creating a gym
You may be proud of your home gym but others may be less impressed. Potential buyers like to see a bed and a wardrobe in a bedroom to visualise its potential.

6. Garden decking
You want the garden to be neat and tidy when you come to sell. While well-constructed garden decking may improve the saleability of a house, it's unlikely to add value. Conservatories are a different matter. Get it right and you can add value - but get it wrong, with a conservatory that takes up too much garden space for example, and you may actually devalue the property.

7. Bodge DIY jobs
Poorly done or unfinished DIY jobs reduce saleability and may even devalue the property. Worst offenders are loft conversions without enough headroom and too few windows. If you're looking to sell it may be worth bringing in the professionals to ensure the house is in good condition for sale.

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