British weather ruined our view of the supermoon, so we made our own fun


A lot of fuss has been made about the supermoon phenomena, when the moon was at its closest to earth since 1948. Unfortunately for most of us, bad weather ruined our chance to bask in the glorious light of the beaming moon.

See also: 'Supermoon' set to give us biggest moon for 69 years

See also: Airline offers special flights to see supermoon

If we can't have the actual supermoon, let's look for something a bit like it. You know what? A tortilla wrap looks exactly like the supermoon... fact, a lot of stuff looks like a moon, if you think about it.

No one will notice if you put up a shot from E.T., will they?

Speaking of movies, we reckon this would be a good one.

It's been made out like a once-in-a-lifetime thing, but the supermoon is actually appearing three times this year. Your last chance to see it will be December, so let's hope for clear skies.
