Woman finds huge hornet in her wardrobe

Woman find huge hornet in her wardrobe
Woman find huge hornet in her wardrobe

A Japanese woman found an enormous hornet in her wardrobe - and kindly shared the pictures on Twitter.

The Asian giant hornet is the largest hornet in the world, and has venom powerful enough to dissolve human tissue, reports the Mirror.

See also: Man finds Asian hornet in Manchester

See also: Giant hornets kill 28 people in deadly attack

It can grow to two inches long and has a stinger a quarter of an inch long.

After sharing the image online, she asked users what she should do with it. And eventually decided to use a compass to get rid of it.

The Metro reports that it's believed this Asian hornet may be the queen of the nest as they usually come out of hibernation first and the rest of them are most active between August and October.

We would probably never get dressed again.

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Giant Asian Hornets Are Killing People In China, Breeding In Larger Numbers
