Choosing a face cream


One of the best beauty products that all women and men should invest in is a face cream. It doesn't have to be expensive, but there are a few things to consider before you shop...

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  8. Men's skincare

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Begin by considering your skin-type. Whether it's dry, normal, combination or oily, you'll need something that works for you. Ideally with a sunscreen to help prevent wrinkles. If you're unsure what type of skin you have ask for tips at any beauty counter in any department store (or any beauty shop). Any assistant will be happy to help, and may even offer you some freebies to try out.

For dry skin you'll need something that's likely to be heavier, to keep your skin supple. Oilier skins need something non-greasy and non-comedogenic (doesn't cause blackheads/acne).

If you know your skin-type, the next step is to look at the ingredients in the cream. For an anti-ageing product, lotions that contain AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids - fruit acids) are probably your best bet. AHAs are one of the few skin-care ingredients that are likely to have an effect, however they can cause irritation. It makes sense to try and get a free sample if you're going for an expensive option.

Other ingredients, including antioxidants and peptides (which allegedly pump-up the skin's surface) have little scientific evidence to back up their claims. So if you want to try something new, it's always worth comparing ingredients and cost with another product. The less-pricey option may contain the same ingredients, but at a fraction of the cost.

Finally, the best ways to look after your skin is to improve your lifestyle. If you don't smoke, limit alcohol and eat a good diet your skin is more likely to stay glowing.

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